SSL Certificates: Protect Online Information

The number of critical information transiting through the Internet is constantly increasing. It is the responsibility of your company to ensure that all data is secure. This is particularly true for e-commerce businesses. 

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificates are commonly used to securely manage data transmission over the Internet. As an Extraordinary hosting customer, you can choose from a range of SSL Certificate options listed below. 

SSL 256-bit Certificates

Digital web certificates are electronic files that are used to uniquely identify people and resources over networks such as the Internet. Digital web certificates also enable secure, confidential communication between two parties. As the adoption and use of 256-bit SSL certificates has increased, so has their acceptance as the standard for e-commerce enabled web sites or any site that collects private information from users such as credit card numbers, account numbers or passwords.


A low cost SSL Certificate issued within one business day with a dynamic secured seal. Choose GeoTrust's QuickSSL certificates for standard inexpensive SSL encryption protection and domain control authentication. Reassure users with a dynamic "Secured By GeoTrust" seal that displays a real-time date/time stamp.

  • Low cost, rapid one business day registration
  • Domain-level authentication
  • Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
  • No verification of the website owner's identity required
  • Secure connection identified by GeoTrust Secured Seal with a date/time stamp 


GeoTrust True BusinessID are organisation-authenticated SSL certificates delivering strong authentication and traditional SSL encryption protection. Let your users know that your website is secure and trustworthy with a dynamic "Verified By GeoTrust" seal displaying a real-time date/time stamp and your company name.

  • 3 business day turnaround
  • Full organisation authentication
  • 40-bit up to 256-bit SSL encryption
  • SSL certificate management console
  • Verification of the website owner's identity required
  • Secure connection identified by GeoTrust Secured Seal with a date/time stamp and your company name

True BusinessID with Wildcard

GeoTrust True BusinessID with Wildcard are affordable and flexible SSL certificates offering unlimited hostnames across a single domain. Make sure your users know that your website is secure and trustworthy with a dynamic "Verified By GeoTrust" seal displaying a real-time date/time stamp and your company name.

  • 3 business day turnaround
  • Full organisation authentication
  • 40-bit up to 256-bit SSL encryption
  • SSL certificate management console
  • Verification of the website owner's identity required
  • Secure connection identified by GeoTrust Secured Seal with a date/time stamp and your company name
  • Can secure unlimited subdomains 

True BusinessID with EV

True BusinessID with Extended Validation (EV) are the only SSL Certificates triggering the green address bar in high-security web browsers. It visually confirms the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates. These certificates offer maximum credibility and security. 

  • 10 business day turnaround
  • Highest level of organisation authentication
  • 40-bit up to 256-bit SSL encryption
  • SSL certificate management console
  • Verification of the website owner's identity required
  • Secure connection identified by GeoTrust Secured Seal with a date/time stamp and your company name
  • Green address bar in high-security web browsers

All provide certificates are issued by GeoTrust.

SSL Certificate Installation

Fees include installation by Extraordinary of the SSL Certificate on the customer's server.

Our hosting customers are not restricted to using certificates obtained through Extraordinary and they are free to purchase them elsewhere if they wish to do so.

These certificates are only available to existing or new hosting customers, we do not issue them as a stand-alone product.