Extraordinary's Website Privacy Policy


This website is operated by Extraordinary. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the Data Protection Act 1998. Extraordinary is a Data Controller in terms of the 1998 Act. This statement sets out our privacy policy and explains what we do with the personal information that we collect from our users. Please read the following to understand our views and practices regarding personal information. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should contact us using the details given at the end of this statement.

Please note that this policy applies only to the Extraordinary website and not to the websites of other organisations to which we may provide links. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of such third party sites and you should make your own enquiries in respect of them.

What information may be collected?

We may collect personal information from you when you access the website for auditing usage of the site and for general administration purposes. The information we may collect will comprise some or all of the following: your name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, IP number and post code. If you do not wish us to collect your personal data please do not provide it.

Extraordinary may in some cases collect information about you that may not be personal data. For example the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, and the domain name of a website from which you linked to the Extraordinary site.

How is the information used?

We will use the information we collect to track and monitor the usage of our website and help us understand the patterns of site visitors. This will help us operate the site more effectively, identify what sort of information is of interest to our users and assist us in business processes such as accounting, marketing and record keeping.

Will my personal information be provided to third parties?

We may share your personal information with third parties but only in the strictly limited circumstances set out below.

  • We may supply your personal information to third parties (such as our internet service providers) who help us administer our website. These third parties must at all times provide the same levels of security for your personal information as Extraordinary and, where required, are bound by a legal agreement to keep your personal information private, secure and to process it only on the specific instructions of Extraordinary.
  • We may also supply your personal information to government bodies and law enforcement agencies but only: if we are required to do so by the requirements of any applicable law; if in our good faith judgement, such action is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process; to respond to any legal claims or actions; or to protect the rights of Extraordinary, its customers and the public.

Will I be sent information that I did not ask for?

To keep you informed about our services, seminars and events, we may contact you by e-mail or post. If you wish not to receive such communications please contact us at sales@extramsp.com. 

What about changes to the privacy policy?

We reserve the right to modify or amend this privacy policy at any time and for any reason. Details of any changes will be posted at the top of the privacy policy web page.