Security Solutions for your Hosted Systems

When it comes to your hosting environment, security is a top priority. As a business, you want to be sure that your information and your clients' data are secure. Extraordinary offers a variety of security services to help you achieve maximum security for your systems. 

Security Management

A customer’s server estate can be kept patched using Extraordinary’s managed patching service. For Linux servers Extraordinary carefully evaluates new vulnerabilities using its Extraordinary Package Management (EPM) system. The EPM system indexes each virtual machine’s software and analyses it using the data provided in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) vulnerability database. This data assist Extraordinary’s engineers to quickly identify the severity of vulnerabilities and determine if packages are in need of immediate patching or update.

Patch Testing and Roll-Back

For mission critical environments before updates are applied, Extraordinary’s engineers can take complete snapshots of virtual machine environments. This allows:

  • Acceptance testing of the virtual machines and applications after the application of the update, prior to roll out on the live systems
  • Where appropriate, roll-back to the system state prior to the application of the patches.

Security Scanning

To augment and doubly verify the patch management service, Extraordinary can perform a daily security scan audit of all of a customer’s serviced machines using Tennable Networks Nessus security scanner. Any issues highlighted are prioritised and investigated on a daily basis.

Security Auditing

Public facing applications are security scanned on a daily basis by a Nessus security scanner located outside our network. A Nessus scan is a deep security scan that seeks to find known security holes in web applications. If security vulnerability is found by Nessus, we will liaise with you regarding the necessary mitigation or updates required, and the impact of applying those.

SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates are essential to ensure that data is transmitted securely over the Internet. 
We offer a range of SSL Certificate options for our Extraordinary hosting customers.

More information on SSL Certificates for our Hosting Customers

PCI DSS Compliance

PCI DSS compliance is essential for companies handling credit card data for e-commerce. Extraordinary has the experience to build comprehensive cloud solutions that meet all the requirements for PCI DSS compliance.

More information on PCI DSS Compliance